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The Real Ghost Stories

Devil In The Asylum 

I reside in an apartment building that, from what I was told, used to be an insane asylum long ago

I've been living here for the past nine years, and I've had some very ''paranormal'' experiences here over that period of time

Here are just a few: One night, there was a bad storm resulting in a complete power outage

So there I am in pitch darkness, in the entire vicinity, not just in the building

I lit two candles encased in glass containers with paintings of Christ on each

One candle was green and the other was red (I think the colors may be of some significance in witchcraft, but the pictures of Jesus on them is all that mattered to me)

The candles illuminated my whole area

They were each placed in large, open windows

I put them out before I fell asleep

At approximately 2 a.m

I was awakened by a horrifying demonic presence at the foot of my bed, but it wasn't visible

The best way I can describe its sound is like that of a cow being slaugtered, combined with a full-grown roaring lion and grizzly bear

It was absolutely terrifying from the way it sounded

I dreaded to see its appearance! While it roared at me, my chest suddenly started hurting and my body was paralyzed completely, nor could I speak

This lasted about 20 seconds, then it was gone and everything was back to normal

Then I got up, blessed the place with palm leaves and olive oil in Jesus' mighty name, and disposed of the candles. Everything was peaceful afterward, until recently

One night out of my bathroom (the door was open and its right next to my bedroom) came the devil himself, making a most awful noise

This time I saw a dark figure, but couldn't make it out because this seemed to be taking place in the spiritual realm

I couldn't move physically, but I could spiritually, so in spirit I quickly made the sign of the cross and the evil entity suddenly vanished. One night in spirit, even though the shade was down and I was three stories up from ground level, I saw a pair of red eyes peering at me through my window while I was lying in bed

Then I saw a little black imp running upside the wall of the apartment building, attempting to come in through the window

Suddenly, a huge angel appeared with a very large pointed sword and shooed the imp away.
